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Staphylococcus aureus COL (CCOS 461)

With the help of Professor Brian J. Wilkinson, Illinois State University, the history of COL was compiled.

The name COL is an abbreviation of Colindale (The Central Public Health Laboratory), probably strain 9204 that was isolated from the air of an operating theatre in an English Hospital (Professor Keith Dyke, Oxford). Isolated in the early 1960s as one of the first MRSA isolates to be identified. For strain 9204 the MIC of methicillin is 250 µg/ml at 37°C and 1000 µg/ml at 30°C (PMID: 5405709). Interesting and useful aspects of COL were that it is penicillinase-negative, and relatively homogenous in resistance expression. COL is in addition to methicillin also resistant to tetracycline and streptomycin (PMID: 152758).

Recently the complete 2.8 Mb genome of S. aureus strain COL was determined and pathogenicity genomic islands (vSa) which carried toxins or virulence factors were identified (PMID: 15774886, accession numbers for the chromosome sequence NC_002951 and for the plasmid sequence NC_006629).

Staphylococcus aureus COL strain is available as CCOS 461 as actively growing culture or as cryo culture. We look forward to receiving your order and please for further details.