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pEC86 (CCOS 891)

Plasmid pEC86 Plasmid pEC86

pEC86 (CCOS Accession: CCOS 891) contains the  E.coli genes ccmABCDEFGH of the aeg operon expressed from the tet promoter of the plasmid. The complete DNA sequence of pEC86 is available upon request.

It improves the expression of mature c-type cytochromes in Escherichia coli.

These genes are essential for maturation of cytochromes c, i.e. the covalent attachment of heme to  the protein. A c-type cytochrome can be expressed in the holo-form (including heme) in an E. coli strain containing (i) pEC86 and (ii) the gene of said c-type cytochrome expressed from a compatible plasmid, e.g. a pUC plasmid or any pBR322 derivative.

Note: Even though the ccm genes are present endogenously on the chromosome of E. coli, they are not expressed under aerobic (shake flask) conditions.

(Arslan et al. 1998, Depositor: Linda Thöny-Meyer)