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Cell lines of the Culture Collection

Cell line: CHO XM 111-10 (CCOS 837)

CHO XM 111-10  (CCOS 837) is a reference cell line which is used to detect potentially toxic or inhibitory substances, so called leachables from the disposable materials for use in either wave-mixed or stirred bioreactors. The cell line is used to control and to improve the quality of the produced single-use cell culture bags, storage bags and single-use filters.

CHO XM 111-10  (CCOS 837) derived from CHO-K1 is a transgenic cell line expressing the human placental SEAP controlled by a tetracycline inducible control system (Tet-Off: SEAP expression occurred in the absence of tetracycline; no expression in the presence of tetracycline) and a neomycin resistance gene (Mazur et al. 1999).

For the assay, the FMX-8 growth medium (Cell Culture Technologies, Switzerland) is prepared from the rinse water of the single-use material with tetracycline. Glucose, lactate, glutamine and ammonium concentrations were measured as parameters to determine the metabolic activity of the CHO XM 111-10 cell line (Eibl et al. 2014).

The operating procedure for a standardized cell culture test to identify critical bag films for use with CHO XM 111-10 (CCOS 837) is explained in more detail in the DECHEMA reports and position papers: Recommendation for Leachables Studies.


  • Mazur X., Eppenberger H.M., Bailey J.E., Fussenegger M. 1999. A novel autoregulated proliferation-controlled production process using recombinant CHO cells. Biotechnol Bioeng. 65:144-150.
  • Eibl R., Steiger N., Fritz C., Eisenkrätzer D., Bär J., Müller D., Eibl D. 2014. Standardized cell culture test for the early identification of critical films for CHO cell lines in chemically defined culture media. Recommendation for leachables studies. Dechema. Reports and position papers. ISBN: 978-3-89746-149-9.

The cell line CCOS 837 is now available either as cryo culture or as active culture.

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