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Antiviral activity testing

CCOS has established methods for the testing of antiviral activities of substances and materials using bacteriophages as model viruses.

Bacteriophages ?

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They are non-pathogenic to humans and are much easier to handle than human or animal viruses.

Using bacteriophages that have similar structures as human viruses and therefore similar or higher resistance to antiviral treatments we can speed up the testing times significantly from up to 3 weeks to just 2 days.

Antiviral activity of textile products acc. ISO 18184

Together with the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), we developed a test to measure the antiviral activity of textiles based on ISO 18184. We modified the method by using Emesvirus zinderi MS2 (formerly Escherichia phage MS2) as model virus.

Other antiviral test methodes

We are currently developing other test procedures (e.g. testing of antiviral activity of disinfectants).

More information

If you are interested in this service, please contact us for further information and pricing.